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Wall Cracks
Do wall cracks indicate a structural problem in my home?
Over time, wall cracks happen–but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored. A wall crack can be an early warning sign of your home’s structural problems.
Sometimes, wall cracks are just a superficial, cosmetic issue. Other times, they indicate deeper structural problems caused by shifting ground, failing house foundations or even poor design and construction.
Are you seeing wall cracks around your home? Concerned there might be deeper issues in your foundations? Read on to learn how to identify the structural wall cracks that spell problems, as well as how they’re caused.
What do structural wall cracks look like?
Stepped Wall Cracks
If you have stepped cracks over 5 mm in width, it’s highly likely your house foundations are no longer stable. Stepped cracks usually indicate that a large part of your home is moving, whether due to unstable brick house foundations or shifting soil below ground.
If you can see stepped cracks, then it’s probable that there are cracked walls in other parts of your home. These cracks are definitely not just cosmetic or superficial. They should be investigated as soon as possible.
Internal and external wall cracks
If you have cracks sitting above your doors and windows, or if your wall cracks are deep enough for light to travel through, then your home is experiencing significant, damaging movement. This movement puts a lot of stress on your home’s foundations and can be caused by foundation failure, soil failure, additional loads or house extensions, or even expansion of the actual brick.
Remember, if you can see straight through a crack, your home has serious structural problems that need to be addressed.
Horizontal Wall Cracks
While stepped cracks indicate mass structural shifts, horizontal wall cracks are a tell-tale sign of localised movement in your home. These cracks are usually an indicator of a foundational failure directly beneath the cracked wall.
Sometimes, horizontal cracks will stop abruptly, which means the wall is sinking at a very specific location. However, even though these horizontal cracks are a localised issue, if they’re not quickly addressed the remainder of your structure will follow suit, sinking and breaking apart as your home’s foundations drop.
Wall Cracks in Corners
Over extended periods, clay bricks (natural product clay) will expand. Sometimes even up to several millimetres per year. Sure, this doesn’t sound like much, but over the decades it’ll all add up, creating a strong lateral force on your structure. This force drives the ends of walls into each other, causing cracks to appear in the corners of your home.
If left untreated, lateral force issues will continue to destabilise your home. Things will get worse and worse until your walls become free-standing, meaning they’re about to topple over.
Stepped Wall Cracks
Internal and External Wall Cracks
Horizontal Wall Cracks
Wall Cracks in Corners
What are the leading causes of wall cracks?
Reactive Clay Soil
A major cause of wall cracks is reactive clay. Reactive clay soils move with the seasons, expanding in the wetter months, and then contracting when it’s hotter and drier.
Best case, the soil foundations under your home expand and contract evenly, so you won’t see any wall cracks. However, if external factors cause the soil to expand or contract unevenly, your home’s foundations will experience an immense amount of stress. In turn, you’ll see internal and/or external wall cracks begin to develop.