Wall Cracks
The HelicalBar™ system is a non-invasive solution for repairing cracked walls structurally. This innovative technology can return your building to its original state with greater structural strength than before the cracks appeared.
Learn more about our wall crack repair solution.

Sunken Concrete Slabs
GeoPoly™ concrete releveling technology is the perfect solution for sunken and uneven surfaces, both indoors and outdoors. It can be used to raise slabs of concrete, fill voids underneath and stabilise the foundation soils to ensure a permanent fix.
Learn more about our concrete releveling solution.

House Subsidence
GeoPoly™ soil stabilisation technology takes underpinning to another level! Injected through drill holes no bigger than a penny (1cm), GeoPoly™ can travel up to 3m below the surface to target subsidence at the source. GeoPoly™ stops any further subsidence from occurring while also providing structural lift if required.
Learn more about our underpinning solution.

Rising Damp in Walls
DampBlock™ utilises the latest water-based damp technology to treat rising damp in walls. Its injected through small holes just above ground level to create a permanent barrier against rising damp and further wall decay.
Learn more about our rising damp solution.

Leaning Walls
HelicalBar™ remedial wall ties will reconnect cavity walls that are leaning. Each tie is inserted through 5mm holes from the outside to return structural integrity without the need to knock down and rebuild.
Learn more about our leaning wall solution.

Sinking Floor Piers
By utilising the GeoPoly™ technology, sloping and uneven floors can be permanently lifted level and supported. GeoPoly™ treats the root of the problem by underpinning and jacking sinking floor piers deep underground.
Learn more about our sinking floor pier solution.