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Relevelled Garage Restores Homeowner’s Peace of Mind

Project of the Month


Wall Cracks

Wall cracks can appear if your home subsides or if materials expand and contract over time. Our HelicalBars™ can return structural integrity and redistribute structural loads with minimal disruption. HelicalBars™ are fully concealed and remove the need for the costly rebuilding of walls.

Learn more about our wall crack repair solution.

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Sunken Concrete Slabs

Uneven or sunken floors, driveways, and patios can affect your home’s structural integrity and pose a safety hazard around your property. GeoPoly™ is injected at high pressure through small access holes until all voids are filled, and concrete is raised.

Learn more about our concrete releveling solution.

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House Subsidence

A change in the ground can displace and alter the foundation causing structural troubles. GeoPoly™ is injected at various depths under structures to fill voids and stabilise foundation soils, allowing cracks to close and walls to level. Our GeoPoly™ technology removes the need for expensive and invasive underpinning methods.

Learn more about our underpinning solution.

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Rising Damp in Walls

When water rises through walls, it can result in salt marks, mould and decaying brickwork. We inject our DampBlock™ near the ground to stop capillary action, which draws water up. DampBlock™ is low in odour and a permanent solution for rising damp in walls.

Learn more about our rising damp solution.

Leaning Walls

Leaning walls around your home can be a severe authentic and structural problem. We install our HelicalBar™ remedial wall ties through small 5mm holes and space them as per Australian Standard requirements. With HelicalBar™ remedial wall ties, no wall gets knocked down and rebuilt. Ever

Learn more about our leaning wall solution.

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Sinking Floor Piers

When floor piers have sunk, they are no longer able to support the floor. Sinking piers can cause floors to slop or sag and walls to crack. GeoPoly™ is our highly effective technology for sinking floor piers. We inject GeoPoly™ to fill voids, raise piers and stabilise foundations permanently.

Learn more about our sinking floor pier solution.

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Learn more about our technologies

Our technologies are the latest in product innovation and have been specifically designed to repair residential buildings.

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GeoPoly™ is our innovative non-disruptive geopolymer structural resin. It can be used to permanently underpin foundations quickly & cost effectively, without requiring expensive traditional underpinning. It is injected into problematic foundation soils, where its rapid x30 expansion rate allows it to quickly fill any underlying voids and prevent subsidence. Its great mechanical stress and chemical attack resistance allows it to withstand harsh climates, and its application reduces the permeability of the underlying soil. This limits any shrink-swell phenomena from reactive clay soils.

We have created high tensile strength (1200 MPa), 316-grade stainless steel HelicalBars™ to strengthen & repair masonry, without requiring demolition & rebuilding. The triple-fin 6mm design and special cementitious grout we use, GroutSet, allows these reinforcement bars to fit & bond to the mortar joints between masonry units. HelicalBars™ can also be bent to fit around corners when needed, continue over large spans and our 8mm FastFix HelicalBar™ can be used to reconnect leaning walls without removing a single brick.

DampBlock™ is the premium solvent-based chemical we have created to remedy the effects of rising damp inside homes. We inject this innovative formula at high pressure to fill in the pores of damaged bricks. This prevents the capillary action which draws water in from the ground, and puts an end to rising damp. DampBlock™ is non-flammable. Being odourless you can be assured that no smell will be transferred through to attached buildings or party walls. It is fast curing and non-salting, leaving absolutely no residue.

To book a FREE structural assessment, give us a call on 1300 854 115