Concrete Floor in Ipswich Home Relevelled in Hours
- Raceview, Ipswich, QLD
The Brief
When the owner of this home in Raceview, a suburb of the City of Ipswich, Brisbane, purchased the property, he observed a small gap below the skirting board where he had planned to position the families dining table. The last thing on his mind was potential structural issues with the house.
Still, he never gave too much thought to it, simply putting it down to a slight defect when builders initially constructed the house.
However, as months and years progressed, this gap continued to get wider. It became evident that the dining room floor was sinking and needed a solution to help relevel it.
The owner decided to seek expert advice and contacted us.

The Challenge
A local Ipswich plumber organised by the owner found no water issues contributing to the sinking floor slab. All the drainage and pipework around the home was in top condition.
The suburb of Raceview, along with the rest of the City of Ipswich region, sits on black soil – it’s perfect for farming, but it’s not ideal for house foundations or concrete floors. Black soil is highly reactive. It has an extensive range of movement and subsides during droughts.
Even though most of the floors seemed level throughout the house, it soon became apparent that some black soil was left underneath the dining room during construction. As time passed and climate conditions worsened, this part of the concrete floor started to move downwards.

Our Solution
To level the dining room floor effectively, we located the primary voids underneath. Our highly advanced methods allow easy access to the foundation.
To minimise the disruption to the floor and ensure we didn’t break a single tile, we drilled small 1cm holes into the grouted joint.
Using our GeoPoly™ relevelling technology, we injected directly under the sinking floor to fill the voids and increase the load-bearing capacity of the unstable black soil below.
GeoPoly™ is the perfect solution for the black soils around the City of Ipswich region.

The Outcome
The homeowner expected workers to disrupt his life for weeks and for repairs to be hugely expensive. Builders informed him, the floor tiles and concrete slab would need to be removed and rebuilt.
However, in just one day, we were able to relevel his dining room floor without breaking a single tile. His family can now enjoy mealtimes without worrying about their floor.