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Relevelled Garage Restores Homeowner’s Peace of Mind

Project of the Month
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#1 Structural Repair Top-Rated in Australia

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Concrete Underpinning Fixed with Resin Injection

The Brief

Several years ago, the owners of this home purchased it knowing subsidence issues were present, securing a reduced price to fund the necessary repairs. They opted for traditional concrete underpinning, believing it would be the ultimate solution. The process was arduous, involving months of work, geotechnical and structural engineers, council approvals, and certifications. When it was finally complete, the owners hoped their ordeal was over, ready to transform the house into their dream home.
For a few years, everything seemed fine—until they decided to install new windows.

The Challenge

The severity of the foundation subsidence became clear when the window fitter struggled to find a single level, square opening in the house. By the time the custom windows were ready, the shifting foundation had already altered the measurements, forcing the fitter to modify them on-site.

For the homeowners, this was a turning point. The previous underpinning had failed, and as the foundation continued to shift, they feared their new windows would be damaged. They turned to Buildfix for a precise, non-invasive solution. The challenge was to stabilise and lift the foundation with millimetre accuracy—enough to halt the subsidence without damaging the windows—while keeping disruption to a minimum.

Our Solution

To meet this challenge, we used our advanced GeoPoly™ resin injection system with deep-lift technology. The process began by addressing the core issue: the failed concrete underpinning. Our team carefully drilled through the surface concrete slabs down below each concrete underpin, injecting resin to underseal the bases and eliminate any voids. This stabilised the existing concrete work, preventing it from sinking further.

Next, we performed precision deep injections to compact the soil and gently lift the foundation. Thanks to GeoPoly™ and it’s Time-Delayed-Reaction (TDR) technology, we were able to guide the foundation back into position 1mm at a time. This approach allowed us to achieve stabilisation and releveling without causing damage to the newly installed windows.

The Outcome

What once seemed like an impossible problem was resolved in a single day. The homeowner, who had feared further structural damage and another costly ordeal, was amazed by how quickly and precisely Buildfix solved the issue.
The foundation was stabilised, the windows remained flawless, and the house was no longer shifting. Although some of the original cracks remained slightly visible, the trade-off for preserving the windows and achieving long-term stability was well worth it.
The homeowner now has peace of mind knowing their foundation is secure, their home is stable, and their investment is finally protected. Buildfix provided the precision and care that traditional methods could not, proving that advanced technology and expertise can turn even the most complex challenges into success stories.

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